standard data format (file name extension) (sdf) câu
file name extension
An "x" does not appear at the end of the file name extension.Chữ "x" không xuất hiện ở cuối phần mở rộng tên tệp. The recommended file...

standard data format
The term EDI describes both the transmission of the data as well as the translation into a standard data format.Thuật ngữ EDI mô tả cả ...

name extension
On the other hand, the NET in the .net domain name extension represents “network”.Mặt khác, NET trong tên miền .net đại diện cho “mạng”...

file extension
For example, here is how to search for files that have a 2 letter file extension: *.??Ví dụ: tìm kiếm các file có phần mở rộng hai kí t...

file format
M4A is an audio file format that is very similar to MP4.M4A là một định dạng tệp âm thanh rất giống với MP4. AutoCAD Release 13 13.0 1...

format file
Output is typically in Electronic Design Interchange Format file (EDIF).chuẩn nào đó, thường là EDIF (Electronic Design Interchange For...

data format
The input data format of the Elasticsearch is in JSON document.Tài liệu được lưu trữ trong Elasticsearch có dạng JSON. Data format: 9 ...

file name
File Name: Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You SeeSách tiếng Anh cho trẻ em Brown bear brown bear what do you see File Name: Speeches Th...

file standard
Many software publishers support the ISO file standard (.iso), and most CD- and DVD-burning software only works with ISO images and the...

data name
Located in the US, it logs your usage data, name, address, and shares it with third parties.Nằm ở Mỹ, nó ghi nhật ký dữ liệu sử dụng, t...

data file
So our data file looks like this.Do đó, file làm việc của chúng ta sẽ trông như thế này. Exchange account that delivers to an Outlook ...

standard data
Standard data charges will apply.Cước phí dữ liệu thông thường sẽ được áp dụng. MIL-STD-1553, a standard data bus for fly-by-wireMIL-S...

bmp file format
The first 2 bytes of the BMP file format are the character "B" then the character "M" in ASCII encoding.Hai byte đầu tiên của định dạng...

graphics file format
A popular raster graphics file format developed by CompuServe.Một dạng file các hình đồ họa mành phổ biến được phát triển bởi CompuServ...

interchange file format (iff)
Another method was the FourCC method, originating in OSType on Macintosh, later adapted by Interchange File Format (IFF) and derivative...

native file format
It is based around the GIMP's technology and uses the same native file format.Nó cũng dựa trên công nghệ của Gimp và sử dụng cùng một d...

proprietary file format
It has its own proprietary file format (WPS), but new documents default to Microsoft’s DOCX format for convenient sharing with Word use...

column data format
In Step 3 of the Wizard, choose Text as the Column data format, as shown in Fig. 323.Bước 3 của Wizard, tại Column Data Format, bạn chọ...

format data labels
On the Format Data Labels pane, select either the Value or Percentage box, or both as in the following example.Trong bảng Format Data L...

format data point
On the Format Data Point pane, under Series Options, drag the Angle of first slice slider away from zero to rotate the pie clockwise.Tr...

bad command or file name
C:\Bad command or file name.Chồng: Bad command or file name (Câu lệnh/tên tệp sai). C:\> Bad command or file name!BAD COMMAND OR FILE N...

long file name
Do not use an excessively long file name.Không nên dùng tên file quá dài. A file or dir can also have a long file name, which can be a...

source file name
Ensure that the source file name has not changed If the source file that you want to edit is a linked object, make sure that it has the...

international standard name identifier
ISNI People International Standard Name Identifier [3] ISNI is a method for uniquely identifying the public identities of contributors ...

binary interchange file format (biff)
Microsoft Excel up until 2007 version used a proprietary binary file format called Binary Interchange File Format (BIFF) as its primary...